
Thursday, November 21

Basic Sleeve Pattern


In Past classes, we saw how to trace the bodice sloper or the basic bodice patterns.
Today im going to show you how to make a custom basic sleeve.
Here in this diagram, you can see the main points to trace the sleeve.

The top curve of the sleeve must have the same measurement of the 2 armholes together, front and back of your top patterns. If the sleeve curve length is bigger, stitch it like in the following images.
(Usually, the sleeve curve is bigger for 1.5 cm approximately, this difference allows us to use the same patterns to work with different fabrics. Some shrink when stitching them)

The diagrams are only for reference. Watch the video tutorial for detailed instructions, tips, and information to get a perfect sleeve pattern. It includes a section where i explain the different lengths of cap sleeves, how to make them and when to use it.

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